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Monday 31 August 2015

How To Flirt “Right” For “Magical” Results

Learn the 3 Things Women Hate About Men and How to Avoid Being the Single Guy That Women Hate Flirting Just about every guy thinks he knows how to flirt. But guess what… Most men have NO CLUE how to flirt “right.” And here’s the basic problem: If you don’t understand how to use words and body language in such a way that it creates SEXUAL TENSION in a woman… right from the beginning of a conversation… it’s GAME OVER before you even get started. But of course, like I said, most men have no clue how to flirt and make sexual tension actually work…

That in mind, here’s how to flirt “right” to create results with women. 1. Set The Tone Think of flirting like playing. Remember when you were a kid and you used to “play fight” with your friends? Flirting is very similar. If you start talking to a woman and say, “Hi, you’re very pretty. You probably have a boyfriend, right?” in a normal tone of voice, you’re NOT flirting. On the other hand, if you say, “Hi, I realize that you’re probably shy because you get absolutely no attention from men… so I thought I’d come over here and pay a little attention to you…” it’s OBVIOUS that you’re setting a tone that’s not serious.

 You’re using what I call “Cocky & Funny.” Cocky & Funny is a powerful,concentrated way of setting the tone. When it comes to how to flirt and create sexual tension, it’s a very specific kind of humor. When you know how to flirt in a Cocky & Funny way, you tune into a certain frequency in a woman’s mind that causes her to go into a very special kind of emotional state… the kind that drives her to want to get to know you better. 2. Communicate In A Way That Creates SEXUAL TENSION Without Sexual Tension, you have NO CHANCE of taking things to the next level with a woman. Period. So here’s an example of how to create it…

 When you’re in a bar of club, ask a waitress for something you know they don’t have. When she says, “I’m sorry, we don’t have that”, project both confidence and indifference with your voice tone as you say… “OK, this relationship isn’t working out. I’m going to have to break up with you.” When you communicate like this, you’re FLIRTING… you’re TEASING…. and you’re initiating a DIFFERENT KIND OF COMMUNICATION than what most men initiate. It gets a woman attention fast. It intrigues her in a very deep,engaging way. In other words, it creates SEXUAL TENSION.

 And once the woman you’re talking to is feeling sexual tension, THE GAME IS ON. So say something like this in just about ANY situation… with ANY woman who’s saying something that you don’t like or agree with… and you’ll see amazing results. By the way, there are a LOT of ways as far as how to flirt with Cocky & Funny that don’t even require words. For example, if a woman looks at you and raises an eyebrow, look back at her and do the same… only exaggerate it. If a woman puts her hand on your arm, look down at it, then look up at her in a surprised way, then raise your eyebrows as if you just had a major “ah ha!” realization… then start smiling and nodding your head as if you just realized that she wants you. This is a powerful combination because it’s funny, and it exaggerates the meaning in her touching you. It creates “tension”, but in a good way. Sexually. And that’s what flirting is all about. 3. PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE The key to how to flirt right is “getting a feel for it”.

You have to actually get out there and practice so you know how flirting works, and you learn how to control it. But the sad truth is, most guys give up after they try a line or technique, and a woman responds negatively. Instead of just realizing that they need more practice, most men take it personally and decide it means that they’re a failure. But take my word for it… if you keep trying to learn how to flirt effectively, you WILL SIMPLY NOT BELIEVE how women will respond to you. It’ll feel like you’ve suddenly acquired some kind of “magic power.” Now, there are a MILLION ways to flirt… but you NEED TO START DOING IT CORRECTLY to open an easy, natural dialogue that creates sexual tension… and leads to ATTRACTION. And if you DON’T learn how to create attraction, you’ll just keep having boring, “normal” conversations with women that go nowhere.

 Need a refresher on the basics of creating ATTRACTION in such a way that a woman can’t stop thinking about you? You can learn a more about how to flirt, spark ATTRACTION, build Sexual Tension, and take things to a PHYSICAL LEVEL with a woman in my top-selling eBook, “Double Your Dating.”

Download it here, and let me know how it goes… Double Your Dating Free Trial

Wednesday 12 August 2015

Dating Tips for Men: The First Date Read more

General Manners

  • Act naturally. Dates want to see what you're really like. Don't be late. There's the phrase "good things come to people who wait," but on the first date that doesn't apply. If it's been agreed on that you'll plan the activities, call your date in advance and let her know what the two of you are going to be doing. Nobody wants to wear heels and find out they're going rock climbing.

On the Date

  • Some men opt to open doors for their dates. Keep in mind that some people like this small courtesy, while others find it old fashioned and disempowering. Try it once. Ask your date if it bothers them. If your date doesn't like it, don't do it again. Chances are that if your date doesn't want doors opened for her, she won't want her chair pulled out for her either.
    Going to dinner and then somewhere fun afterward is the standard routine for a reason. It gives people a chance to get to know one another. Go somewhere for dinner that's quiet enough that you can have a conversation. Comedy clubs are good after dinner places to go, movies aren't. If you want to find out if you're compatible with someone, staring at a movie screen for two hours isn't going to tell you.

Who Should Pay?

  • Plan to pay, but don't be overbearing. Some women also find that disempowering, old fashioned or chauvinistic when men insist on paying for everything. On the other hand, some find it chivalrous. Get a feel for what your date prefers and then do what makes her most comfortable.

End of the Date

  • If you've driven your date in your car, get out and offer to walk her to the door. If she declines, thank her for a nice night and go home. If your date accepts the offer, feel out the moment. If a kiss feels appropriate, go for it. If it doesn't, hugs are fine. It's only the first date after all.

The Follow-up Call

  • If you enjoyed the date and said you'd call, do it. Call the next day. Thank your date again for the fun you had, and if it seems like she might be interested in going out again, ask her. If she's not home, leave a message. If you haven't heard back in a couple of days, call again. After that, the ball is in her court. If she doesn't call back, chances are she is moving on and you should also.

How to Know the Rules of Dating for Women

There are some rules you need to know before you venture into the big, bad world of love and dating.


Don't cut or color your hair at the beginning of a relationship. Your new love interest might be nice about it, but he won't like it.

Wear whatever you want - just wear it well. Don't try to squeeze your size 10 body into a size 2 dress. Be proud of who you are.

Say what you mean. Subtle hints are scary and are often misinterpreted.

Remember, your date can't read your mind.

Find out who does the laundry. If a guy's old girlfriend or his mom is sorting his socks, you'll know he's not ready for a relationship.

Don't be too available. Men are hunters, remember?

Don't talk about your ex, reveal your deepest darkest secrets, complain a lot, or interrupt - and don't tolerate that kind of behavior from your dates.

Be yourself. No bragging, no lying - you'll get busted sooner or later.

Tell your date what you like about him. Stroke that ego a little, will ya?

Be considerate ' for example, call if you'll be late. Expect the same from your date. And if he doesn't deliver, get rid of him. You deserve better.

Tuesday 11 August 2015

The Key To Unlocking Life-Changing Success With Women And Dating

Do you feel “locked out” when it comes to success with women, romance, and dating? Like you’re on the outside looking in… watching other guys have the time of their lives while you’re stuck out in the cold?

 If this is how you’re feeling right now, I know you must also feel pretty lousy about it. Maybe even a little desperate or hopeless. I’ve been there… I know how painful and frustrating it is. That’s why today, for every guy who’s feeling this way, I wanted to share one of my greatest discoveries when it comes to getting this part of your life handled.

 It’s a secret “key” that, used correctly, will finally set you free… unlocking mind-blowing new success for you when it comes to meeting women, getting dates, and becoming intimate. But, before I reveal this remarkably simple secret, I want you take a moment and try to answer a deceptively simple question: “What Have You Been Doing Wrong All This Time?” I mean, if you aren’t succeeding with women by now, you must be doing SOMETHING wrong. Right? Yet, when I ask most guys this question, I hear is a lot of excuses… women are only attracted to good-looking guys. They want a man with money.

They go for “bad boys.” On the other hand… ask a WOMAN what really catches their attention in a man, and I almost always hear something like, “I want a NICE guy.” Interesting answer… especially considering how many attractive women are out there right now dating rich, handsome guys who don’t treat them very well. For average guys like us, this contradiction can make us feel pretty frustrated and hopeless. Just think about it…

 Why is there such a huge disconnect between what women claim they’re looking for in a man and what they’re actually ATTRACTED to? This question is the whole reason that, years ago, I made it my mission to find out what’s really going on here. What was I missing? More importantly… what was I doing wrong that was keeping me dateless and lonely? I began by observing guys who seemed to be the total opposite of me in one way (they were incredibly successful with women) but who were exactly like me in another (they weren’t any more rich, handsome, or generally awesome than me). 

As I observed and learned from these guys, I finally discovered the secret “key” to their success… and it blew my mind, basically changing EVERYTHING when it came to my own results with women and dating. Today I wanted to share that secret key with YOU… in a nutshell, here it is: Women Will Do ANYTHING To Be With A Man Who Makes Them Feel A Certain Way… Before I pull back the curtain on that feeling, I have one more question for you: What does every guy who fails with women share in common? Answer: they’re all doing something that kills their chances with a woman almost before they get started. Over and over, in a desperate attempt to get attention and approval, they act overly “nice” to women.

They kiss up. They buy them gifts and put themselves at a woman’s beck and call. Harsh reality is, none of this works to create ATTRACTION. In fact, it does the complete OPPOSITE, and here’s why: Despite what Mom taught us about how we should treat women… always being polite, sensitive, and endlessly considerate… all of this “being nice” and chasing triggers an “ewww” feeling in a woman when it comes to her search for mating material. By the same token, there’s another set of behaviors that cause a different, purely EMOTIONAL response in her… instantly sparking feelings of attraction so powerful she literally can’t help herself.

 When she experiences them, she’ll do everything in her power to get to know more about the man who made her feel this way. This is huge… and it’s truly the key to unlocking YOUR dreams when it comes to succeeding with women, dating and romance. This in mind, here’s what you need to do next: Start Saying And Doing The Things That Make A Woman Feel EMOTIONAL Attraction I know, sounds easier said than done… what are these magical words and behaviors? They’re all the ways a man can show a woman that he’s completely comfortable in his own skin. They’re the actions and responses that prove he can handle her tests, moods, and drama. Above all, they’re the things a man can say and do to stand out from 99.9% of other guys who just give her that “ewwww” feeling. Personally, it took me YEARS to learn these behaviors and how they worked. Then, it took even more years to perfect them to the point that I, or any other “average” guy, could get astonishing results when using them.

 That’s why it became my NEXT MISSION in life to make sure every guy who wants it has this “key” in his pocket, ready to use at will, so he can start experiencing mind-blowing success with women, too… … but without hitting all the dead-ends, roadblocks, and setbacks that I had to suffer through. If you’re ready to get started, too, here’s the fastest way to make it happen: Start reading my acclaimed Double Your Dating eBook right now, entirely RISK-FREE. It will teach you EVERYTHING you need to know about meeting women, getting dates, and “closing the deal” to take things to the next level… all in a simple, step-by-step way. Plus, along with the eBook, you’ll also get a bunch of FREE bonus materials dedicated to making sure it happens faster than you ever imagined possible. Sound good? Excellent. Then check out my eBook now.

How To Get The Attention Of A High-Quality Woman

If you’re not enjoying success with women and dating the way that you’d like, the question has certainly crossed your mind: How do high-quality women decide whether you’re worth a second look… or whether you’re just another “meh” guy who will waste their time so they practically look right through you? Great question.

And the answer involves both bad news and good news. The bad news is… once a great woman decides to “pass” on you, there are no second chances. After spending time with you on a date or even after meeting you for the very first time, if there’s no interest (let alone any feelings of attraction) it’s game over. But here’s the good news: If you can make a great woman think to herself, even for a moment, that… “Hmm, there MIGHT be something here worth exploring a little more…” then you’ve done more to succeed with her than just about every guy she meets.

 That’s why, from the moment you meet her, your focus needs to be on making that impression… highlighting qualities that identify you as a potential “Mr. Right” while avoiding the lethal mistakes that 99% of guys make and can NEVER recover from. Above all… despite everything you believe right now, accomplishing this has nothing to do with being cool, rich or famous. It’s simply about communicating a few things about yourself that will capture her attention right off the bat, often before she even realizes it.

 Here’s how to do it: Show Her You Have A Life Like I said… the key to grabbing a great woman’s interest is showing her that you’re different from the herds of boring, insecure guys who hit on her every day. That’s why it follows… if you want to keep her from having that “next” feeling the moment she meets you, you have to do is show her you’re NOT like those guys. The best way to communicate this to her is showing her that you “have a life”… that you’re a fulfilled, fully realized man whom she would enjoy getting to know… while, at the same time, letting her know that YOU won’t be losing any sleep if she’s not interested.

 And guess what… there’s no better way to get this across to a woman than actually HAVING a life. So make getting one your ultimate goal, starting right now. From creating a social network of great friends to hang with, to focusing on your financial and professional success, to pursuing your ultimate passions in life with clubs and organizations, START FEELING GREAT ABOUT LIFE. Once you do, that attitude will automatically seep out into everything you do – including your interactions with women. This sensation alone is enough to make ANY woman pause and think, “Geez, I might miss out on something if I don’t explore this a little more… “ And then the door is open. Of course, once she’s interested, it’s about closing the deal. And this comes down to just one thing: Master The Art Of Conversation Harsh reality: one you get your foot in the door, if you give a woman ANY reason to start having doubts about you (especially early on) it’s very hard to get things back on track. And what’s the number-one way most guys go off the rails at this point? With the things they say.

 You can set your watch by it. a guy catches a great woman’s interest but then says something that makes her shut down and start looking at her watch. Or for the exit door. It usually happens when a guy “defaults” to barraging a woman with the standard, needy questions like, “So what kind of guys do you like?” or “So, am I your type?” Or, of course, the ultimate interest-killer: “How do you think things are going?” Can’t say it enough… if you want to make a great first impression on a high-quality woman,

DON’T do this stuff. Ban it from your repertoire of conversation. And I mean now. Instead, learn to open up a dialog that draws a great woman in and engages her. I recommend doing it by giving yourself a daily “crash course” on what’s happening in the world, and then fine-tuning your ability to speak on it intelligently or humorously. (See how it keeps coming back to improving YOURSELF when it comes to all this stuff?) Master the art of conversationLearn to create engaging, valuable conversation – it is not hard to do.

Jump online before you go out. Read through the major news sites. Think about your point of view on what you’re reading. Have a clear, interesting take – but make sure it’s one that’s not going to come off as offensive or argumentative. Then, as you talk to her, casually mix this stuff into the conversation along the way WITHOUT sounding like a boring know-it-all (anyone remember Cliff Clavin from Cheers?) It’s the most powerful way to draw a great woman in… to entice her to invest her limited time and attention in exploring your potential… and hopefully, down the line, your body, too. All of this in mind, remember that “closing the deal” with ANY great woman is about just one thing:

 Learn How To Stand Out From The Crowd If you do NOTHING else, this one’s the key. While most men are busy sabotaging themselves with their overwhelming impulse to impress women, you can find life-changing new success by just NOT doing that. While every other guy hems and haws, uses cheesy lines, and acts nervous – make sure that YOU don’t. While every other guy kisses up to her and doesn’t dare to tease her a bit, make sure that you DO.

 Above all, focus on deepening your own confidence and understanding of what a great woman really wants, and it you will suddenly, “magically” be able to do something that VERY few men can do: Come off as the kind of man that a great woman finds irresistible. If you’d like to drill down into even more specific, action-step ways to do it, here’s what I recommend: Jump over and take a look at my world-famous “Approaching Women” program. This is where thousands of average, regular guys have learned simply and step-by-step how to get the attention of amazing women… so I know YOU can do it, too.

Using The “Science Of Attraction” To Succeed With Women

If you’re not successful with women yet, then I bet this has happened to you: You’ve looked around and watched men and women getting together everywhere, all around you. Many times, the man seems to be a totally regular guy… one who’s not particularly good-looking or rich. In fact, he seems to have absolutely NOTHING going on with him that would put a great woman on his arm… … yet YOU can’t seem to get a woman to give you a second look. Not a good feeling. And I know it leaves you wondering… what’s going on here?

What do these guys know that I don’t? Believe me, I understand. Before I learned how to become successful with women, I had a friend who was a totally average-looking guy with an average job just like me…. except he could walk up to ANY woman and get her number within a couple minutes of meeting her. Then there was another guy, my computer-geek friend. He may have even been LESS good-looking than me.

But I would go over to the house, and he would show me his inbox… it was always full of messages from attractive women he would then go out, meet, and get dates with! As I watched all of this, I was baffled. I felt like I had to understand what was going on here, or my head was going to explode. Know that feeling? So I made a brilliant move… I started watching and asking these guys WHY they were successful. I asked them what they believed and how they acted. I asked them what they thought about women and attraction.

 And here’s what I discovered: They all had ONE thing in common: these guys all knew how to take control of the dynamics and their interactions with women in a particular way that left absolutely NOTHING TO CHANCE. In other words, even though each of these “regular” guys used a different set of tactics and approaches, they all used a similar PSYCHOLOGY that made them succeed with women based on the SCIENCE of creating attraction. Why The “Science Of Attraction” Is Really All

That Matters Remember that, above all else, you are an ANIMAL first (sorry for the spoiler if you weren’t aware). Reality is, we all have a full complement of animal wiring. We have a primitive lizard brain stem, a more-evolved mammalian brain, and a higher, human-specific thinking/reasoning brain. Studies show that we eat, sleep, and organize ourselves into relationships just like any social animal… which is why I can’t shout it loudly enough: whenever we’re interacting with women, we MUST remember that we’re all built on this same animal “foundation.” In the study of animal behavior there’s actually something called “ethology” – it’s the study of animal behavior. And here’s what your friendly neighborhood ethologists know (and what EVERY guy who’s successful with women knows instinctively, too)… Throughout the animal kingdom, it’s usually the male that “courts”… also known as chasing females around. But it’s the female that CHOOSES. This is huge…

You’ve heard of Darwin and survival of the fittest? His theory comes down to several factors, most important among them being SELECTION. It gets complicated and involves all sorts of things about successful adaptation and passing on genes. But, boil it all down, and it’s also about how women are hard-wired to be “choosy.” Therefore, the fastest, most effortless way to succeed with them using the SCIENCE of attraction is to: #1) STOP doing the things that get you rejected. And: #2) START doing the things that INSTINCTIVELY make a woman want to be with you. In other words, thanks to millions of years of evolution, every man and woman is programmed with behaviors that are basically “push button”… when we act a certain way, we automatically get a certain response out of the other person.

 There’s no getting around the science, so understand and use its power when thinking about attracting women! Learn how to communicate that YOU are the one doing the selecting, and that you’re VERY selective, and it automatically pushes the button of ATTRACTION with a woman. How do you push that button? By learning to communicate with your words, your gestures, your voice tone, your eye contact, and your body language that YOU are the best choice for a woman – a man who is in control of his life, his choices, and his ultimate purpose in life. Learn to harness the SCIENCE OF ATTRACTION in this way, and everything else instantly becomes irrelevant. 

Suddenly, it doesn’t matter how you look. It doesn’t matter how much money you make or what car you drive. All that matters is that women are hardwired to feel unstoppable, irresistible ATTRACTION for this kind of man. Take it from me, I know… this realization was the first step that I took to go from being lonely and dateless… to meeting models and actresses and doctors… to finding my own perfect match, the ultimate Total-10 woman with whom I went on to start a family with. But then, of course, something else that was very scientific and predictable when it comes to human behavior happened… All Of My Success With Women Started Getting Noticed By OTHER Guys Who could blame them?

 They looked around and saw me (a regular guy who wasn’t particularly good-looking or rich) with a great woman, and it left them wondering… what does David D. know that I don’t? So I started teaching them what I learned. In fact, I went on to write a world-famous book about it that you’ve probably heard about called “Attraction Isn’t a Choice.” The rest, as they say, is history… now, literally millions of men around the world have learned the simple, step-by-step specifics of using the SCIENCE of attraction to succeed with women. And you can, too… absolutely RISK-FREE and with your success 100% GUARANTEED. My eBook is easily downloadable (you can be reading it moments from now!) by clicking right here.